Become a Former Smoker
Your New Year's "Re-Solution".
Not just another resolution.

Why People Don’t Stop Smoking

Despite knowing that quitting smoking could save them hundreds of dollars and add years to their lives, many people still struggle to quit. The reason? Fear. Fear of giving up their crutch or pleasure, fear of not being able to enjoy life or handle stress, fear of putting on weight, fear of going through a traumatic experience to get free, and fear of never being completely free of the craving.

Despite knowing that quitting smoking could save them hundreds of dollars and add years to their lives, many people still struggle to quit. The reason? Fear.

  • Fear of giving up their crutch or source of pleasure that smoking provides.
  • Fear of not being able to enjoy life or handle stress without smoking
  • Fear of gaining weight and other potential negative side effects of quitting smoking
  • Fear of going through a traumatic experience to become smoke-free
  • Fear of never fully losing the craving for cigarettes

All of these fears are just examples of one overriding fear. The one simple reason that you have not stopped smoking is that you:

Fear that it is going to be too painful and too difficult!

Hypnosis Makes it Easy

The unique hypnosis technique we offer is designed to make quitting smoking as easy as possible. After just one hour, many of our clients have left our sessions as happy, permanent non-smokers without feeling deprived, having made a sacrifice, or experiencing any pain.

Unlike some other methods of quitting smoking, hypnosis removes the feeling of deprivation and eliminates the need and desire to smoke. There's no need for useless aids, gimmicks, or substitutes like nicotine gum or patches, inhalers, nasal sprays, needles, or lasers. All you have to do is sit back, relax in a comfortable chair, and allow hypnosis to do its work. Hypnosis can be one of the easiest ways to quit smoking, providing you with a sense of relief and accomplishment when you succeed.